Whimsical Watermelon Mug Rug by Designs by JuJu
"BRAND NEW" Kimberbell "Comfort & Joy" Machine Embroidery Two- Day Event
"BRAND NEW" Kimberbell "Hello Pumpkin" Machine Embroidery One Day Event
Kimberbell "December - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Borders and Sashing" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "November - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "October - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "September - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "August - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "July - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "June - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "May - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "April - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "March - Mystery Wallflower Quilt Blocks" Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "Hoppin' Down the Bunny Trail" Bench Pillow Two-Day Machine Embroidery Class
Kimberbell "Star Spangled Beauty" Ladder Quilt Machine Embroidery Two-Day Class
Machine Embroidery & Quilting Phd (Projects Half Done) Sit, Sew and Embroidery Class